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Living in the Community

Greater Mercer County’s PREMIER agency in providing COMMUNITY-BASED services for people with special needs and development disabilities.

If the individual imagines it, Arc Mercer will strive to make it a reality. One-on-one (community supports) and group activities (community inclusion) help people with special needs to live independently, secure a job and be part of the community.

Program offerings

Community-based supports are one-on-one and person-centered staffing developed according the individual’s interests. These supports have flexible hours and can be used for life skills, recreation and education, community inclusion, community support, recreation respite, among others.

Arc Mercer fosters independence and socialization with activities it supports in communities throughout Greater Mercer.

Featuring activities such as:

Museum Visits


Building independence for people who have special needs through community engagement

Arc Mercer offers almost limitless opportunities for support and recreational program’s that engage people with special needs in their community and whatever the destination, Arc Mercer can take care of the transportation needs

For More Information

Please contact Family Supports at 609.406.0181, ext. 112 or email familysupports@arcmercer.org