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July 11th Team Atmosphere Committee (TAC) Meeting Recap

Update on May’s Meeting

During our previous TAC meeting, mission-critical staff members took the initiative to form groups aimed at developing new training programs for The Arc Mercer IDD agency. The focus areas identified included cooking, wellness, financial literacy, technology, and hygiene. Since May, these groups have made significant progress, moving through the outline and research phases to determine the best materials for their programs.

Focus on Benefits

The July meeting centered on employee benefits, emphasizing their importance and introducing new initiatives to enhance them. Brima Kamara, our Benefits Administrator, presented the Premium Holiday Plan, which addresses the challenge of rising insurance premiums.

Premium Holiday Plan

Insurance premiums are increasing annually, but The Arc Mercer’s new Premium Holiday Plan aims to mitigate this financial burden. By participating in this plan, employees can save $450, equivalent to two free months of medical insurance. The requirements to qualify are simple: enroll in SENA Health, schedule a physical or preventive health screening with a primary physician (arranged by SENA), and activate Teladoc.

Brima shared a personal story to highlight the plan's importance. He once received a shocking bill for a procedure because his doctor was out of network. Now, with SENA, employees can avoid such surprises. SENA navigates healthcare options, ensuring cost-effective choices and reducing medical expenses for both employees and The Arc Mercer.

SENA Health Benefits

SENA Health provides 24/7 support, which is especially beneficial for staff working varied shifts. They assist in scheduling appointments, finding in-network providers, and offering cost-effective healthcare solutions. This guidance helps keep medical costs down, benefiting both employees and the organization.

Rosemary Reed, an Employment Specialist, shared her positive experience with SENA. She praised how easily SENA helped her schedule an appointment with a specialist for her wrist issue, highlighting the service's convenience and effectiveness.

To Enroll In SENA, Fill Out This Form To Opt In and Complete Your First Step.


Why This Matters

Executive Director Steve Cook emphasized that payroll is our largest expense, followed closely by health insurance. Rising premiums could impact payroll, but by utilizing SENA, we can control costs and avoid potential pay cuts. Additionally, savings from reduced medical expenses allow us to enhance existing benefits and consider new ones, such as pet insurance, acupuncture, and benefits for part-time staff.

Future Benefits Initiatives

Steve encouraged mission-critical staff to form a committee focused on benefit solutions. This committee will gather feedback from employees on desired benefits and collaborate with leadership to bring these ideas to fruition. Suggestions discussed included:

Pet Insurance: Providing coverage for employees' pets.

Acupuncture: Adding alternative medicine options.

Part-time Benefits: Extending benefits to part-time employees.

Liberian Culture Group Update

Tarweh Witherspoon, co-chair of the Liberian Culture Group, provided updates on the upcoming July 26th Liberia Independence Day Flag Raising celebration. The event will feature Liberian food for all RSVPs, a special guest speaker, and updates on Project 601, The Arc Mercer’s plan to establish an international chapter in Monrovia, Liberia. With over 100 RSVPs, the event promises to be a significant celebration.

Liberia Independence Day Celebration

Don’t miss the Liberia Independence Day Flag Raising celebration on July 26th. RSVP here to join the festivities and learn more about Project 601

More Updates from TAC Culture Groups

The TAC welcomed its newest culture group, The Black Culture Advisory Group, as the 7th official group. This group will advocate for people of color within the IDD community, seeking opportunities to create supports for individuals with special needs.

Join Our Culture Groups

Get involved with our TAC culture groups! Sign up here to join and support our diverse community

Employee Relief Fund

Co-chair Anne Dye reminded the group about our Employee Relief Fund, which supports employees facing financial hardships. She encouraged staff to contribute through payroll deductions, with all donations helping employees in need. Brima Kamara expressed his gratitude for the support he received from the fund after his mother’s passing.

Steve Cook emphasized that The Arc Mercer is committed to helping as many employees as possible. Applications for the fund can be filled out on our website, and employees can also apply on behalf of colleagues in need.

Support the Fund

Consider donating to our Employee Relief Fund to help colleagues in need. Donate here or apply for relief if you need assistance.

401(k) Update

Steve Cook provided an update on the ongoing situation regarding transferring our employees under the Union to our 401(k) plan. Court hearings have been favorable for The Arc Mercer, indicating that Union contracts may cease, allowing staff to benefit from our more lucrative 401(k) program. Steve congratulated the mission-critical team for their efforts during this process and hinted at an upcoming celebration for this victory.

Join Us!

We encourage all employees to get involved and participate in our next TAC meeting. Sign up here to join our DSP Work Group to get in on the discussion and contribute to our agency’s growth.

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