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Stephanie Rutledge: An Exemplary Greenwood Team Member

The Arc Mercer is proud to recognize Stephanie Rutledge for her outstanding contributions to the Greenwood residence. Stephanie's dedication to the safety, health, and well-being of the consumers in her care is unwavering. She is a motivating force, consistently encouraging and celebrating the achievements of the individuals she supports.

Stephanie's long tenure at Greenwood has made her an integral part of the home's community. The consumers see her as family, eagerly anticipating her presence and valuing her guidance. Her knowledge and team-player mentality make her an invaluable asset to the Greenwood team.

Stephanie's willingness to go above and beyond is evident in her consistent support of colleagues and new staff members. She readily shares her expertise, ensuring that everyone is equipped to provide the best possible care for the residents. Stephanie's invaluable assistance during Greenwood's pre-inspection highlights her commitment to maintaining the highest standards.

Stephanie's hard work and dedication has left a positive impact on the Greenwood consumers. We are grateful for her continued service and look forward to her continued success at The Arc Mercer.


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